Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Bait An Oscar Revolution

Something is happening.

Something different. Something... new.

The baiters of Bait An Oscar are changing things. Its been happening for a while but it's recently picked up steam. Its a revolution! OK, Maybe its not quite that dramatic. But a few months ago Johnny slapped us with one hell of a shocker. Bait an Oscar would end in the fall as new people took over the website. But we're a resourceful bunch and started to make plans for the next generation of Bait an Oscar.

With its own website, this Bait an Oscar would not be confined by the room allotted to it by a parent website. It would be be like real hollywood. Big, Broad, and Far Reaching. We'd have more than enough room for those unbaity baits that are looked down upon. Maybe we'd have special awards for them. And we'd also have those great Baity baits that started it all. We would keep a history of the baits, have every bait archived so that new authors could read them, and our past work would never be threatened by the people in charge. We would allow two or three or even four baits a month, letting the author's imaginations run wild! So. Why isn't anyone talking about this anymore?

Yes, Bait an Oscar as we know it now is still in existence. And, as far as I know, there's no one threatening to get rid of it any longer. But lets face it people. We, the authors, are the only people who can truly appreciate this contest. We've created some of the greatest movie ideas never filmed here. We want the contest to be the absolute best that it possibly can be. We strive to bring innovation to the contest. I love it when we force change. I know I'm not the only author to work toward making unbaity baits main stream, but I like to think I was one of the first. Two years ago this August I released "The Apocalypse of Angela Reed", a bait denounced by the entire baiting community so "horribly unbaity". And then the powers in charge gave it #11 of the month. (Insert shameless plug for sequel "The Revelations of Alex Reed" this august here). Then I released baits like The Vampire Lestat (a BOTM nominee), After Earth, The Dark Tower, etc. And others kept pushing the boundaries too. Tony and Douglas were definitely at the forefront of this. Now the boundaries aren't being pushed anymore. Why? Like Douglas said, we're limited to one bait. Everyone has watched his video and I agree completely with him so i wont start repeating him.

What Im trying to say though is that we, the authors, the life blood of this contest, need to take a stand. We want to be creative but we know there's a VERY slim chance that innovation is going to be rewarded over battiness. So we keep baiting baity stories. We need the freedom to bait anything we want! A few months ago I wrote "Springwood", a bait that was almost universally praised. But it almost didn't make it into the contest. Johnny wanted to ban it. And there's some rumors that it even made it into the Big 8 and Johnny blocked its nomination(s). I can't say if this is true or false, although at least one source has verified it, but its the perfect example of our creativity being blocked by the people in charge. So we need to become the people in charge! I'm more than willing to help on a new site. I'll do anything that's needed. And I know others will help as well. So lets do it. Lets make Bait an Oscar its own entity. The only thing stopping us from creating an even grander, more exciting contest... is us.

Possible Features of the Bait An Oscar website.....
-A complete history of Bait an Oscar.
-Author interviews.
-Author opinions on classic baits.
-A complete archive of ALL past baits.
-Total creative freedom to the authors.
-And So Much More!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


OK, I know I have been absent from blogging for a very long time but Douglas's post today got me reinvigorated.

So heres the deal. I've been noticing a trend building with certain aspects of the website. Laziness. Awards aren't being posted on time, precursor awards are being posted WAY after the initial date. And this month we even had the baits themselves delayed. BY SEVERAL DAYS. Ok so maybe sometimes there's an excuse. Johnny said that his internet was down so thats a valid excuse as to why the baits were so delayed. However, rarely does anyone have an excuse for their lateness. Most of the time its some stupid little LAZY ass excuse like "i was busy with other things". Oh, im sorry to take time out of your hectic schedule. But if you can't devote the time to these things when you say you're going to, don't say your going to! Besides being incredibly annoying, its also kinda rude. I know myself, and several other baiters, have made sure to be online, in the chat, and on the forums when these baits, nominees, or awards are supposed to be posted. And then we wait.
.....And wait.
............And wait.
.........................................And wait.
And guess what happens?
NOTHING! THATS WHAT! We sit around on our haunches waiting for these things to happen but they never do. Finally when the people in charge get around to doing what they said they were going to do, no one is online anymore and the anticipation is shot to shit. Making people wait a little longer is one thing. When they know its coming SOON. Say, you're online and say you're just finishing up. Be ready in ten minutes. Then there's anticipation. But when you come online, say its almost ready, and then nothing happens.... Well, then people just get pissed off and frustrated. I know im not alone on this. And I know the people who agree with me, know the people who are causing this frustration lately. I'm not naming names, because im not rude. But telling people one thing and then doing another, is rude. And I hope the rudeness stops.

And thats just One thing thats irritating me about this contest. I shouldn't have kept my mouth shut for so long. Maybe people will listen.

Until next time, this is James Somerton. I bid you a happy, ON TIME, day.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Question For You All

This Post Has Been Removed By The Author.


MT - How are you james?

JS - Im great, thank.

MT - Ok, the first question I have to ask you, as a fan, did you have any idea that "Cobra" was going to take off like it had?

JS - I had no clue. I wasn't even supposed to release it this month.

MT - Really?

JS - Yeah, I was supposed to release "Death Inside Her" this month but then something weird happened. I had posted a teaser poster for COBRA on the forums and a lot of people got excited about it. So I sort of felt like I had to release it before the hype went away.

MT - Are you shocked that people are calling it your comeback bait?

JS - I was at first because I didn't know I had anything to come back from (laughs). Then I realized I hadn't had a really successful bait in a while, not since "Oil" in June. So I guess its a comeback of sorts.

MT - What ever possessed you to cast Zac Efron is such a strong, dramatic roll?

JS - I think if he's given his chance he could really shock people with his acting. He also looks like the person he's playing. And I think, as many other people have said on the forums, right now tis is the only roll he could win an oscar for.

MT - Your last few months have been sort of lukewarm, with some love but nothing major. Do you think that any of these baits deserved more.

JS - I think alot of them were my trying to win Best Picture again, so it just shows that when i'm not trying to win awards, i get nominated (laughs). I really do think that The Dark Tower is deserved more attention though. I know it isnt baity and all but it pretty much lacked the support it needed. It was a weird story based on a long story thats even weirder so alot of people didnt really get it, I dont think. The people who understood it liked it though.

MT - March is a three bait month, something you've been hoping for for a long time. What are you going to release that makes the wait worth while.

JS - I think March will be my strongest month in a long time... I hope so anyway. I'm going to be releasing "Seven Days to the Weekend"; the story of a woman's already hard life falling to pieces as she loses her children and is forced into rehab in order to get them back. With Julia Roberts in the main roll.

MT - Very bold casting. Thats based on a documentary, right?

JS - Yep, thats based on the award winning documentary "Cottanland". A film my cousin helped produce.

MT - Isn't Cher in it too.

JS - (Laughs) Yep, Cher is in it. And personally, I think I may have actually succeeded in baiting her.

MT - Awesome! What other baits are coming?

JS - I'll finally be releasing "Death Inside Her" Its a David Lynch film about a woman's mental struggle to cope with her murdering her very abusive husband, as she runs from the cops. Naomi Watts is in the lead roll.

MT - Sounds like you might be competing with yourself in the Best Actress category this month.

JS - (Laughs)

MT - And the third bait.

JS - "Springwood", the story of a small town torn apart but the realization that one of their own is a child molester and murderer. I've been talking about this one for sometime and I can't wait to see people's reactions. Especially considering what its actually based on.

MT - Well, I cant wait to read them, James. And I hope you do well at the awards this month and good luck with next month too.

JS - Thanks.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Year In Baits

As this year comes to a close, and everyone prepares to vote for the best of the year, I want to remind you of some of my baits that might just strike your fancy...

The Sci-Fi epic that may have just been a little too epic for some people. My favorites part about these baits was the energy crisis parallel and, of course, Johnny Depp as both Prince Eridos and King Salcazar. I truly do think that he deserved some Best actor recognition and would love to see him get nominated in the end of the year awards.

End Of The Year Possibilities...
Best Actor - Johnny Depp
Most Original Bait

My adventure into Japanese animation was one of the biggest shocks of my year in baiting. Not only was it praised almost universally, but it ended up winning the award for Best Original Screenplay. For an animated, foreign language bait about demons and the Yakuza, I say that was a pretty damn good showing.

End Of The Year Possibilities...
Most Original Bait

Ah, another adventure. This was my attempt at baiting "Dallas", the classic prime time soap opera that is, currently, being turned into a comedy movie (BAD IDEA!). The biggest change I made was changing the names of the characters. I made it a tad bit darker and added Benico Del Toro's character. I didn't expect very much from it and then it really shocked me. #2 of the month.

End Of The Year Possibilities...
Best Picture
Best Supporting Actor - Christopher Plummer
Best Supporting Actress - Vanessa Redgrave

Oh, the confusion of politics. So many things happening at once and very little of it making any sense. Thats what this bait was really about. Hidden under the facade of a bush-bashing thriller, Inside You Out tried to convey how so much is warped and hidden from us by the media and the politicians. There was much discussion about the title of this bait and i'm finally going to explain it. The word "Inside" means to be in the know about what really goes on in the White House. While "You Out" means that we aren't allowed to know.

End Of The Year Possibilities...
Best Picture
Most Original Bait
Best Actor - Al Pacino
Best Original Screenplay

Another Oliver Stone bait, but this one is far conventional than "Inside You Out". This being the story of a woman horribly scorned by the Iraq War. A bait I myself deemed "sickeningly baity", this turned in a 6th spot in the awards, as well as won be my second award for Best Actress, this time for Susan Sarandon.

End Of The Year Possibilities...
Best Actress - Susan Sarandon
Shameless Oscar Vehicle
Best Director - Oliver Stone

A bait that took a lot of people by surprise. What it lacked in baity qualities, it apparently made up for in so many other ways. Snubbed by all the precursor awards, "The Vampire Lestat" went on to be nominated for SEVEN oscars, including Best Picture. It helped, I think, open up the gates for unbaity stories to make it into the top awards.

End Of The Year Possibilities...
Best Picture
Best Supporting Actor - Peter O'Toole
Best Casting Choice - Jonathan Rhys Myers as Lestat
Best Plot

Maybe the longest bait ever written? "The Dark Tower" is based on a Stephen King story that reached over 4000 pages. I have been telling it over four baits, the fourth to come in the new year. All three of the current installments have been praised by most authors, and yet have been consistently snubbed at ALL the awards. This may be because of two reasons. ONE: They are EXTREMELY unbaity. TWO: Perhaps the voters are waiting for the fourth, and final, part in order to determine if the story as a whole is worthy of oscar gold? Probably not but you can't blame me for wishful thinking lol.

So there you have it!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Socialist Bait an Oscar

So I have a small problem with how things are being run with Bait an Oscar. Not so much a problem as an annoyance. Rules were changed a while back so that BOTM winners could vote in the final awards. Heres my problem, and I was worried about it since this policy was announced. A LOT of people have won BOTM now. The majority of the veteran authors can now vote in the academy. However, they can also vote for the precursors.

This is destroying the element of surprise, I find. I loved it when the precursors were almost completely separate from the awards themselves. When the Golden Globes and The Oscars rarely agreed with each other. This was because the GG's were, essentially, the peoples choice awards for Bait an Oscar. Now, it seems, that the Oscars are the peoples choice awards. Rarely are there major differences in the awards now.

I remember when my bait "The Vampire Lestat" was virtually ignored by every last precursor and then got nominated for BOTM. It shocked everyone, especially myself. I haven't seen anything like this happen since then. I'm afraid that the Oscars are losing the element of surprise. I've almost entirely quit writing baity baits now so I don't really expect any of my baits to make it into the top 5, but I would love to see another huge shocker take place soon. Bring back some surprise to the contest. I hope I am not the only person who thinks this.

I don't particularly think that BOTM winners should be voting for the winners. I have never voted, and this is the reason for it. Bait an Oscar needs an Oscar dictatorship where one, or a very select few, have the say in who wins. The GG's and SAG awards should stay the people's choice. Let them be socialists. Controlled by the people.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Lynch Pin

After the less than overwhelming success of "The Red Menace" and "Down in Heaven", I decided to come back to release one more, truly epic bait. Based upon Stephen King's magnum opus; "The Dark Tower". I spent a week writing it and, when finished, the bait's synopsis had reached over 4000 words. I knew that it was in my best interest to break the bait up into a four part series.

And so was born "The Gunslinger", "The Drawing of the Three", "The Wastelands", and "The Dark Tower". The story of one man's quest for redemption and the mysterious room atop The Dark Tower.

So far in the series, we have seen The Gunslinger battle against sub-races and travel through time. We will soon journey with him through The Waste Lands of a land once called York, lose the most important things in his life, and finally reach the rose covered landscape of The Dark Tower. All the while being watched closely by The Man in Black and The Crimson King.

I have to say that I'm surprised by the reactions toward The Dark Tower baits so far. It just proves to me that I am far better at writing non-baity stories and so I will stick with them. There has been a little bit of talk over David Lynch directing the movies though. Some people think he is wrong for it and other think he is perfect. I used Lynch because I think he's the only director who could create the same surreal, horrifying atmosphere of the books. Think of "The Dark Tower" as "El Topo" meets "Eraserhead".

"The Waste Lands" will be released this November and "The Dark Tower" will be reached in January.