Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Socialist Bait an Oscar

So I have a small problem with how things are being run with Bait an Oscar. Not so much a problem as an annoyance. Rules were changed a while back so that BOTM winners could vote in the final awards. Heres my problem, and I was worried about it since this policy was announced. A LOT of people have won BOTM now. The majority of the veteran authors can now vote in the academy. However, they can also vote for the precursors.

This is destroying the element of surprise, I find. I loved it when the precursors were almost completely separate from the awards themselves. When the Golden Globes and The Oscars rarely agreed with each other. This was because the GG's were, essentially, the peoples choice awards for Bait an Oscar. Now, it seems, that the Oscars are the peoples choice awards. Rarely are there major differences in the awards now.

I remember when my bait "The Vampire Lestat" was virtually ignored by every last precursor and then got nominated for BOTM. It shocked everyone, especially myself. I haven't seen anything like this happen since then. I'm afraid that the Oscars are losing the element of surprise. I've almost entirely quit writing baity baits now so I don't really expect any of my baits to make it into the top 5, but I would love to see another huge shocker take place soon. Bring back some surprise to the contest. I hope I am not the only person who thinks this.

I don't particularly think that BOTM winners should be voting for the winners. I have never voted, and this is the reason for it. Bait an Oscar needs an Oscar dictatorship where one, or a very select few, have the say in who wins. The GG's and SAG awards should stay the people's choice. Let them be socialists. Controlled by the people.


Bryce said...

I can see where your coming from, but last month out of 11 ballots (for the globes, which I count) only 2 ballots were from BOTM winners. It was the same the month before that too. The oscars are getting predictable, but I think it's not getting predictable to the point where there isn't any surprises. Behind closed doors and The Gold of Cajamarca didn't get any best pic precusor love but ended up getting in the top 5.

But in the end I agree with you, even if I think it's not a huge problem atm, it will be in the coming months (unless previous botm winners start winning botm one month after the other). But even so, I don't know how it can be fixed. You can't just take away BOTM winners' right to vote, they earned it after all. IDK, maybe when it starts to get crowded in the academy, Johnny can do what the festival does, and just pick a group of BOTM winners to vote for a particular month, then pick another bunch for the next month and so on. (for example, James S., zGamer, and Pat vote in the November awards, but then D.W., sergio, and Josh P. vote in the December awards, and so on. like a rotation). Just an idea.

PS: Also Johnny did say a few months back that he was going to start stripping BOTM winners of their privileges since some of them weren't voting if I recall.

Unknown said...

the only problem is that only a few BOTM winners actually vote in the GGs and SAGs. Last month 2/8 ballots for nominees where casted by winners for the GG and only 2 voted for the winners

Unknown said...

looks like bryce beat me to the point :)

Hugo said...

I'm agree with James. And I like the rotation idea but if the chosen BOTM winners only vote at the Oscars.