Wednesday, February 27, 2008


MT - How are you james?

JS - Im great, thank.

MT - Ok, the first question I have to ask you, as a fan, did you have any idea that "Cobra" was going to take off like it had?

JS - I had no clue. I wasn't even supposed to release it this month.

MT - Really?

JS - Yeah, I was supposed to release "Death Inside Her" this month but then something weird happened. I had posted a teaser poster for COBRA on the forums and a lot of people got excited about it. So I sort of felt like I had to release it before the hype went away.

MT - Are you shocked that people are calling it your comeback bait?

JS - I was at first because I didn't know I had anything to come back from (laughs). Then I realized I hadn't had a really successful bait in a while, not since "Oil" in June. So I guess its a comeback of sorts.

MT - What ever possessed you to cast Zac Efron is such a strong, dramatic roll?

JS - I think if he's given his chance he could really shock people with his acting. He also looks like the person he's playing. And I think, as many other people have said on the forums, right now tis is the only roll he could win an oscar for.

MT - Your last few months have been sort of lukewarm, with some love but nothing major. Do you think that any of these baits deserved more.

JS - I think alot of them were my trying to win Best Picture again, so it just shows that when i'm not trying to win awards, i get nominated (laughs). I really do think that The Dark Tower is deserved more attention though. I know it isnt baity and all but it pretty much lacked the support it needed. It was a weird story based on a long story thats even weirder so alot of people didnt really get it, I dont think. The people who understood it liked it though.

MT - March is a three bait month, something you've been hoping for for a long time. What are you going to release that makes the wait worth while.

JS - I think March will be my strongest month in a long time... I hope so anyway. I'm going to be releasing "Seven Days to the Weekend"; the story of a woman's already hard life falling to pieces as she loses her children and is forced into rehab in order to get them back. With Julia Roberts in the main roll.

MT - Very bold casting. Thats based on a documentary, right?

JS - Yep, thats based on the award winning documentary "Cottanland". A film my cousin helped produce.

MT - Isn't Cher in it too.

JS - (Laughs) Yep, Cher is in it. And personally, I think I may have actually succeeded in baiting her.

MT - Awesome! What other baits are coming?

JS - I'll finally be releasing "Death Inside Her" Its a David Lynch film about a woman's mental struggle to cope with her murdering her very abusive husband, as she runs from the cops. Naomi Watts is in the lead roll.

MT - Sounds like you might be competing with yourself in the Best Actress category this month.

JS - (Laughs)

MT - And the third bait.

JS - "Springwood", the story of a small town torn apart but the realization that one of their own is a child molester and murderer. I've been talking about this one for sometime and I can't wait to see people's reactions. Especially considering what its actually based on.

MT - Well, I cant wait to read them, James. And I hope you do well at the awards this month and good luck with next month too.

JS - Thanks.

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